Argumentative Essay Topic - Is It Any Good?
The main argumentative essay topic is often stated as 'The reader must be made to see you for who you are: human.' Is that really true? One person may call it a factual statement, but the author may think it's very misleading. Another person may think it's very demeaning to the reader, and thus a loaded statement.
The first point is, 'The reader must be made to see you for who you are: human' isn't a good argumentative essay topic. I know how you feel, because I'm an author and I once wrote an article in which I asked, 'Which is the least-bad argumentative essay topic?' -- all the usual answers.
After all, we're well aware of the difference between interesting and informative. However, another point of view exists. It's called 'arguing the case.' If we approach that question differently, there will be many useful arguments that can be made. Of course, if the topic is to suggest a solution, then that's fine too.
I recently read an article that suggested 'psychological disorders.